About Mon Amie’s Business & Wellness Solutions

At Mon Amie’s Business and Wellness Solutions, a community mental health center and business consulting firm, we are pioneers in championing mental health awareness, educational equity, and organizational excellence. We specialize in fostering mental health awareness, providing tailored support to individuals and families affected by high stress, anxiety, depression, and neurodivergent disorders, and offering comprehensive workplace wellness solutions and management consulting for small to mid-size organizations.

Our mission is to create inclusive and psychologically safe workplace environments where support and well-being are prioritized. Our mission is to also advance mental health literacy, eradicate the stigmas surrounding mental health conditions, and promote educational equity for students with ADHD. We are committed to the well-being of our community, and we actively address and mitigate factors contributing to trauma and mental health issues within the diverse communities we serve. Through our unwavering dedication, we aspire to create a world where every individual can thrive emotionally, mentally, and academically.

Our Approach

Mon Amie’s Business and Wellness Solutions takes a holistic approach to mental health and organizational success, offering tailored support to individuals, families, and businesses. Our team combines psychological expertise, HR knowledge, and management consulting skills to create impactful solutions. We emphasize evidence-based practices, empathy, and collaboration in all our services.

Our Core Services:

1. Psychoeducation Services: We offer a diverse range of psychoeducational programs aimed at individuals, families, and organizations. Topics include understanding and managing anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other neurodivergent disorders. Additionally, we provide financial management training to address the intersection of mental health and financial well-being.

2. Employee and Family Advocacy Solutions: We offer solutions for Employee Advocacy and Family Advocacy to promote inclusivity in the workplace for individuals with disabilities. Our Employee Advocacy solution provides support for workplace accommodation requests and sensitivity training to ensure equal opportunities. On the other hand, our Family Advocacy Solution helps students with ADHD and their families by providing personalized assistance and access to necessary resources for academic success.

3. Mental Health Awareness Training: Our specialized training is designed for both individuals and organizations. For individuals, we offer training sessions focusing on recognizing, managing, and coping with mental health challenges. For organizations, we provide training on creating supportive environments and handling mental health-related issues in the workplace.

4. Psychoeducational Support Groups: We facilitate support groups for individuals and families affected by anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other neurodivergent disorders. These groups offer a safe space for sharing experiences, providing mutual support, and accessing valuable resources.

5. Human Resources Consulting: Our HR consulting services assist organizations in implementing policies and practices that prioritize employee well-being and accommodate diverse mental health needs. We offer guidance on fostering inclusive workplace cultures and supporting neurodiversity.

6. Workplace Wellness Solutions: We develop customized wellness programs catering to both individual and organizational needs. Our programs include stress management techniques, mindfulness training, and initiatives promoting work-life balance and mental well-being.

7. Management Consulting: Our consultants provide strategic guidance and consulting services to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. We focus on aligning management strategies with mental health support initiatives, creating workplaces that value mental well-being and productivity.

We envision becoming the go-to ally for individuals and organizations aspiring to prioritize mental health, cultivate inclusive cultures, and achieve sustainable growth.

Our Social Impact:

As an L3C, Mon Amie’s Business and Wellness Solutions is committed to making a meaningful social impact. We prioritize serving underserved communities, promoting mental health awareness, and supporting organizations and individuals in need, thereby contributing positively to society.

Join us in our mission to redefine mental health advocacy and organizational success.

Mon Amie's Business and Wellness Solutions does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, counseling, therapy services, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not a substitute for medical advice. You should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. 

Our Guiding Principles

  • Empathy

    We understand and respect the perspectives and circumstances of every person and their unique circumstance.

  • Compassion

    We are compassionate to our core. We lead with kindness in understanding that people are influenced by their experiences.

  • Humility

    We maintain an open mind and recognize the strengths of ourselves and others.

  • Balance

    We believe that high-quality work starts at home. We stress the importance of a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.

  • Advocacy

    We are advocates for those who can’t speak for themselves. We are a voice for the voiceless, and we speak up for what is right, no matter how challenging it may be.

  • Commitment

    We are energized by our commitment to integrity, professionalism, and providing high-quality products and services to our clients. We hold ourselves accountable for our commitment to leading healthy changes worldwide.

“Nothing is more powerful than being able to share your story with someone who understands where you are coming from because they’ve been there too.”

Our Services

  • Our on-demand, automated wellness courses can be taken at the best location and time for you!

  • We offer solutions for Employee Advocacy and Family Advocacy to promote inclusivity in the workplace for individuals with disabilities. Our Employee Advocacy solution provides support for workplace accommodation requests and sensitivity training to ensure equal opportunities. On the other hand, our Family Advocacy Solution helps students with ADHD and their families by providing personalized assistance and access to necessary resources for academic success.

  • Any course from our Stress Less, Live More Transformation Program, or interactive corporate training can be taught in person at a workshop or conference by one of our experienced instructors. We can also customize training specific to the needs of your organization.

  • Our onsite youth development program can be scheduled at the best location and time for you!

  • With a team of Human Resource, Leadership, and Organizational Development experts boasting extensive experience in the field, we are perfectly positioned to help our clients grow and thrive - even in challenging times. By getting to know our clients, our talented team offers unique and customized solutions based on data-driven analysis and broad research.

  • Would you like to work with an executive coach or mentor to help with your wellness or career development plan? Do you have an emerging leader in your company that could benefit from 1:1 guidance from an executive coach? Our experienced experts meet with, strategize, and serve as professional advisors to help you achieve your goals.